What we do

Our Services

Click a specialty below to learn more about the comprehensive services we offer our patients in and near Colorado Springs.

Cosmetic Treatments

While health and hygiene are at the core of dentistry, equally important is the self-confidence gained from a glimmering smile, self-improvement, and beauty that gets even better with dentistry.

Preventive Dentistry

Being proactive about your dental health is the best way to ward off issues that may otherwise come up if not cared for. Waiting until something arises and dealing with the aftermath is unnecessary.

Restorative Dentistry

Although you may brush and floss properly, eat healthfully, and see the dentist regularly, issues can still occur that need dental restoration in order to reemerge with a stunning smile.


Dr. Bowen makes the most of today’s most modern dentistry practices, bringing the best to her patients for a wide range of procedures, both cosmetic and health-related.

Get in touch with us today.

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